NOTE:Grouped courses are sorted at the end
Transfer Course ID | Transfer Course Name | TTU Course ID | TTU Course Name | TTU Effective Term |
ACC 1104 | Principles of Accounting I | ACC 1104 | Principles of Accounting I | Spring Term 2002 |
ACC 1105 | Principles of Accounting II | ACC 1105 | Principles of Accounting II | Fall Term 2002 |
ACC 1105 | Principles of Accounting II | ACC 1105 | Principles of Accounting II | Spring Term 2002 |
ACCT1010 | Principles of Accounting I | ACCT2110 | Principles of Finance Acct | Fall Term 2014 |
ACCT1020 | Principles of Accounting II | ACCT2120 | Principles of Managerial Acct | Fall Term 2014 |
ACCT2110 | Introductory Accounting I | ACCT2110 | Principles of Financial Acct | Fall Term 2007 |
ACCT2120 | Introductory Accounting II | ACCT2120 | Prin of Managerial Acct | Fall Term 2007 |
ACCT2210 | Principles of Accounting I | ACCT2110 | Prin of Financial Accounting | Fall Term 2001 |
ACCT2220 | Principles of Accounting II | ACCT2120 | Prin of Managerial Accounting | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRI1020 | Introduction to Animal Science | ANS 1200 | Introductory Animal Science | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1020 | Introduction to Animal Science | ANS 1210 | Intro Animal Science Lab | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1030 | Introduction to Plant Science | AGRN1110 | Plant Science Laboratory | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1030 | Introduction to Plant Science | AGRN1100 | Plant Science | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRN2310 | Soil Chemical Properties | Fall Term 2016 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRN2300 | Soils | Fall Term 2016 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRNELEC | Introduction to Soil Science | Fall Term 2013 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRNELEC | AGRN Elective | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRN2210 | Soils | Fall Term 2012 |
AGRI1050 | Introduction to Soil Science | AGRNELEC | Introduction to Soil Science | Fall Term 2022 |
AGRM1010 | Perspectives in Agriculture | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1020 | Intro to Turfgrass Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1030 | Advanced Turf Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1040 | Pest Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1050 | Turf Power Equipment | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1060 | Golf Course Irrigation | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1110 | Fundamentals of Animal Science | ANS 1010 | Introductory Animal Science | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1120 | Beef Cattle Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1140 | Horsemanship | PHEDACT | PHED Activity | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1150 | Advanced Horsemanship | PHEDACT | PHED Activity | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1160 | Livestock Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1210 | Intro to Crop Science | AGRN1010 | Plant Science | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1410 | Environmental Horticulture | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1420 | Fruit and Vegetable Production | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1440 | Interior Landscaping | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1510 | Basic Landscape Plants | AGHTELEC | AGHT Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
AGRM1520 | Supplementary Landscape | AGHTELEC | AGHT Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
AGRM1610 | Turf Power Equipment | AGET2110 | Engineering Tech in Ag | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1620 | Irrigation Systems | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM1710 | Agricultural Economics | AGBE2100 | Economics of Agriculture | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2010 | Pests and Pesticides | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2030 | Soil Science | AGRN2210 | Soils | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2130 | Animal Nutrition and Feeding | ANS ELEC | ANS Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2140 | Farm Animal Hlth and Mgmt Prac | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2210 | Greenhouse Crop Production | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2310 | Greenhouse Management | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2360 | Elements of Floral Design | AGHT2440 | Floral Arrangement | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2410 | Residential Landscape Design | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2420 | Landscape Design and Operation | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2440 | Lawn and Landscape Maintenance | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2460 | Turfgrass Management | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2470 | Professional Turfgrass Mgmt | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2480 | Golf Course Organization | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2520 | Farm Management | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2630 | Agricultural Microcomputer App | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2910 | Cooperative Seminar | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2990 | Individual Problem Study | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2990 | Individual Problem Study | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
AGRM2990 | Individual Problem Study | AGR ELEC | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ANTH1230 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH1100 | Introduction To Anthropology | Fall Term 2018 |
ART 1010 | Art History Survey I | ART 1010 | Art History Survey I | Fall Term 2007 |
ART 1020 | Art History Survey II | ART 1020 | Art History Survey II | Spring Term 2008 |
ART 1030 | Art Appreciation | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 1035 | Introduction to Art | ART 1035 | Introduction to Art | Fall Term 2018 |
ART 1110 | Basic Design I | ART 2310 | Introduction to Drawing | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 1120 | Basic Design II | ART 1010 | Two-Dimensional Design | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 1810 | School Art | AREDELEC | Art Education Elective | Fall Term 2011 |
ART 1810 | School Art | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 1810 | School Art | ART 3200 | Art Applications I | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2000 | Art History Survey I | ART 2000 | Art History Survey I | Fall Term 2018 |
ART 2020 | Art History Survey II | ART 2020 | Art History Survey II | Fall Term 2018 |
ART 2040 | Art History Survey I | ART 2110 | Art History I | Fall Term 2004 |
ART 2040 | Art History Survey I | ART 2110 | Art History I | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2050 | Art History Survey II | ART 2120 | Art History II | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2050 | Art History Survey II | ART 2120 | Art History II | Fall Term 2004 |
ART 2210 | Photography I | JOUR3270 | Fundamentals of Photography | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2210 | Photography I | JOURELEC | Journalism Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 2220 | Photography II | JOURELEC | Jouralism Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 2220 | Photography II | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2410 | Ceramics I | ART 2510 | Introduction to Clay | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2420 | Ceramics II | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 2420 | Ceramics II | ART 3510 | Clay on the Wheel | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2510 | Painting I | ART 2410 | Introduction to Painting | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2520 | Painting II | ART 3410 | Painting Studio I | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2520 | Painting II | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 2610 | Sculpture I | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2620 | Sculpture II | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2710 | Print making I | ART 2040 | Printmaking: Relief | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2720 | Print making II | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ART 2990 | Art Problems | ART ELEC | Art Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ART 2990 | Art Problems | ART 4950 | Special Problems in Art | Fall Term 2001 |
ARTH1030 | Art Appreciation | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTH2010 | Survey of Art History I | ART 2110 | Art History I | Fall Term 2011 |
ARTH2020 | Survey of Art History II | ART 2120 | Art History II | Fall Term 2011 |
ARTP1110 | Two Dimensional Design | ART 1010 | Two-Dimensional Design | Fall Term 2011 |
ARTP1120 | Three Dimensional Design | ART 2010 | Three-Dimensional Design | Fall Term 2011 |
ARTP2210 | Photography I | JOURELEC | Journalism Elective | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2220 | Photography II | JOURELEC | Journalism Elective | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2410 | Ceramics I | ART 2510 | Introduction to Clay | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2420 | Ceramics II | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2510 | Painting I | ART 2410 | Painting I, Introduction | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2520 | Painting II | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2610 | Sculpture I | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2620 | Sculpture II | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2710 | Print Making I | ART 2040 | Printmaking Relief | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2710 | Print Making I | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2720 | Print Making II | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ARTP2990 | Art Problems | ART ELEC | Art Elective Credit | Fall Term 2012 |
ASTR1030 | Astronomy | ASTR1010 | Intro to Modern Astronomy | Fall Term 2001 |
AVIA1010 | Intro to Aviation | MIT 2630 | Introduction to Aviation | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL1030 | Concepts of Biology | GE NS | GE Natural Science | Fall Term 2008 |
BIOL1030 | Concepts of Biology | BIOL1310 | Concepts-Biol & Environment | Fall Term 2008 |
BIOL1080 | Concepts of Biology | BIOL1080 | Concepts of Biology | Fall Term 2018 |
BIOL1080 | Concepts of Biology | GE NS | Concepts of Biology | Fall Term 2018 |
BIOL1430 | Nutrition | BIOL1430 | Nutrition | Spring Term 2006 |
BIOL2510 | General Microbiology | BIOL3200 | General Microbiology | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL2510 | General Microbiology | BIOL3230 | Health Science Microbiology | Fall Term 2001 |
BIT 1150 | Intro to Microcomputers | BIT 1150 | Intro to Microcomputers | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1030 | Concepts of Chemistry | CHEM1310 | Concepts of Chemistry | Fall Term 2008 |
CHEM1030 | Concepts of Chemistry | GE NS | GE Natural Science | Fall Term 2008 |
CHEM1050 | Concepts of Chemistry | CHEM1310 | Concepts of Chemistry | Fall Term 2018 |
CHEM1050 | Concepts of Chemistry | GE NS | Concepts of Chemistry | Fall Term 2018 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGRELEC | Computer Science I | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGR2121 | Engr Applications in C | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | CSC 2101 | Prob Solv & Comp Prog Lab | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | CSC 2100 | Intro/Prob Solving-Comp Prog | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGR1120 | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | CSC 1300 | Intro/Prob Solving-Comp Prog | Fall Term 2017 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGRELEC | Computer Science I | Fall Term 2017 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGR2121 | Engr Applications in C | Fall Term 2017 |
CISP1010 | Computer Science I | ENGR1120 | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2017 |
CISP1011 | Computer Science I Lab | |||
CISP1020 | Computer Science | CSC ELEC | Computer Science Elective | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1020 | Computer Science II | CSC 2110 | Data Structures/Algorithms | Fall Term 2015 |
CISP1020 | Computer Science II | CSC 2111 | Data Structures/Algorithms Lab | Fall Term 2015 |
CISP1020 | Computer Science II | CSC 1310 | Data Structures and Algorithms | Fall Term 2017 |
CISP1021 | Computer Science II Lab | |||
CISP1230 | Introduction to Programming | CSC ELEC | Intro to Programming | Fall Term 2014 |
CISP1230 | Introduction to Programming | CSC ELEC | Introduction to Programming | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1230 | Introduction to Programming | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2014 |
CISP1230 | Introduction to Programming | CSC 1070 | Elementary Programming | Fall Term 2011 |
CISP1610 | Programming in C++ | CISP1610 | Programming in C++ | Spring Term 2012 |
CISP1650 | Windows Mobile App Development | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
CISP2110 | Android App Development | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
CISP2410 | Assemby and Computer Organizat | CSC ELEC | Assembly and Computer Organiza | Fall Term 2015 |
CISP2410 | Assemby and Computer Organizat | CSC 3410 | Comp Org/Assemb Lang Prog | Fall Term 2015 |
CITC1301 | Intro to Programming and Logic | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
CITC1333 | Linux LPCI-1 | CSC 2500 | Unix Laboratory | Fall Term 2016 |
CITC1333 | Linux LPCI-1 | CSC ELEC | Linux LPCI-1 | Fall Term 2016 |
CITC1371 | Windows Mobile App Development | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
CITC1372 | Android App Development | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
CITC1650 | Windows Mobile App Development | CSC 1200 | Principles of Computing | Fall Term 2016 |
COMM1010 | Intro to Mass Communications | JOUR2200 | Mass Comm/Changing Society | Fall Term 2011 |
COMM1020 | Media Writing | JOUR2220 | News Reporting & Copy Editing | Fall Term 2011 |
COMM2000 | Forensics | COMMELEC | Forensics | Fall Term 2018 |
COMM2025 | Fundmentals of Communication | COMM2025 | Fundamentals of Communication | Fall Term 2018 |
COMM2055 | Argumentation and Debate | GE COMM | Argumentation and Debate | Fall Term 2019 |
COMM2065 | Advanced Public Speaking | COMMELEC | Advanced Public Speaking | Fall Term 2018 |
COMM2090 | Interpersonal Communication | COMM2090 | Interpersonal Communication | Fall Term 2021 |
COMM2090 | Interpersonal Communication | COMMELEC | Interpersonal Communication | Fall Term 2018 |
COMM2600 | Survey of Broadcasting | JOURELEC | Journalism Elective | Fall Term 2011 |
COMM2900 | Contemporary Topics in Speech | COMMELEC | Contemporary Topics in Speech | Fall Term 2018 |
CPSC1100 | Using Information Technology | CSC 1100 | Intro to Computing | Fall Term 2004 |
CPSC1230 | Intro to Programming | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC1235 | Visual Basic | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC1240 | Microcomputer Business Apps | DS 2810 | Computer Apps in Business | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC1240 | Microcomputer Business Apps | CSC 1100 | Intro to Computing | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC1350 | Intro to Computer Science I | BE 1120 | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC1530 | Intro to Computer Science II | CSC 2010 | Intro to Computer Science | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2010 | Assembly Language | CSC 3410 | Computer Organization | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2160 | FORTRAN Math/Engineering | BE 1120 | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2170 | Computer Programming Math/Engr | ENGR2121 | Engineering Apps in C | Summer Term 2005 |
CPSC2170 | Computer Programming Math/Engr | ENGR1120 | Programming for Engineers | Summer Term 2005 |
CPSC2171 | Computer Prog Math/Engr Lab | |||
CPSC2290 | File Processing | CSC 3620 | File Processing | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2370 | System Project | CSC ELEC | System Project | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2750 | Data Structures | CSC 2020 | Data Structures | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2770 | Data Base Management Systems | CSC ELEC | Database Mgmt Systems | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2790 | Networking Essentials | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
CPSC2820 | Cisco Intro to Networks | CSC 2560 | Networks - Info Technologists | Fall Term 2016 |
CRJT1010 | Overview of Criminal Justice | CJ 2700 | Intro to Law Enforcement | Fall Term 2001 |
CRJT1020 | Administration Concepts in CJ | CJ 2850 | Criminal Law and Procedure | Fall Term 2001 |
CRJT1510 | Criminal Law and Procedures | CJ 2850 | Criminal Law and Procedure | Fall Term 2001 |
CRJT1610 | Probation and Parole | CJ 4100 | Probation and Parole | Fall Term 2001 |
CRJT1610 | Probation and Parole | CJ ELEC | Criminal Justice Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CRJT2220 | Organized Crime | CJ 4010 | Organized Crime | Fall Term 2001 |
CRJT2220 | Organized Crime | CJ ELEC | Criminal Justice Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CRJT2920 | Law Enforcement Procedures | CJ 2850 | Criminal Law and Procedure | Fall Term 2001 |
CRMJ1010 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJ 2700 | Intro-Law Enforcement | Fall Term 2011 |
CRMJ1010 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJ 2700 | Police and Society | Fall Term 2019 |
CRMJ1020 | Intro to the Legal Process | CJ 2850 | Criminal Law & Procedure | Fall Term 2011 |
CRMJ2920 | Defensive and Tactical Driving | CJ 2850 | Criminal Law & Procedure | Fall Term 2013 |
CRMJ2920 | Defensive and Tactical Driving | CJ ELEC | CJ Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
CST 203 | Data Structures | CST 203 | Data Structures | Fall Term 2002 |
CULN1400 | Intro to Personal Chef Career | HEC ELEC | Intro to Personal Chef Career | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN1410 | Sanitation and Safety | HEC ELEC | Sanitation and Safety | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN1420 | Personal Chef Production | HEC ELEC | Personal Chef Production | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN1490 | Personal Chef Internship | HEC ELEC | Personal Chef Internship | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2150 | Nutrition and Menu Planning | HEC 1310 | Nutrition | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2150 | Nutrition and Menu Planning | HEC 1030 | Intro to Nutrition | Fall Term 2003 |
CULN2210 | Tableservice and Beverage Mgmt | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2310 | Culinary Arts I | HEC 2010 | Intro to Food Science | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2320 | Culinary Arts II | HEC 2240 | Food Preparation and Mgmt | Fall Term 2007 |
CULN2320 | Culinary Arts II | HEC 2210 | Food Preparation and Mgmt | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2330 | Culinary Arts III | HEC ELEC | Human Ecology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CULN2330 | Culinary Arts III | HEC 3240 | Quantity Food Production | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2500 | Purchasing and Cost Control | HEC 3260 | Quantity Food Procurement | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2550 | Garde-Manager and Catering | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
CULN2600 | International Cuisine | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPM0700 | Basic Mathematics | DSPM0700 | Pre-Algebra | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPM0800 | Elementary Algebra | DSPM0800 | Elementary Algebra | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPM0850 | Intermediate Algebra | DSPM0850 | Intermediate Algebra | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPR0700 | Basic Reading | DSPR0700 | Basic Reading | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPR0800 | Developmental Reading | DSPR0800 | Developmental Reading | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPS0800 | Developmental Study Skills | DSPS0800 | Learning Strategies | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPW0700 | Basic Writing | DSPW0700 | Basic Writing | Fall Term 2001 |
DSPW0800 | Developmental Writing | DSPW0800 | Developmental Writing | Fall Term 2001 |
ECED1310 | Intro to Early Childhood Ed | ELECTIVE | Intro to Early Childhood Ed | Fall Term 2021 |
ECED2010 | Safe, Healthy Learn Environ | HEC 2200 | Dev: Conception-Age 9 | Fall Term 2010 |
ECED2010 | Safe, Healthy Learn Environ | CFS 2200 | Development of Young Child | Fall Term 2004 |
ECED2015 | Early Childhood Curriculum | ECSP3000 | Curriculum for I, Todd and Pre | Fall Term 2005 |
ECED2015 | Early Childhood Curriculum | ECSPELEC | Early Childhood Elective | Fall Term 2004 |
ECED2040 | Family Dynamics | HEC 2060 | The Family System | Fall Term 2010 |
ECED2040 | Family Dynamics | CFS 2060 | The Family System | Fall Term 2004 |
ECED2100 | The Mentoring Teacher | ECSPELEC | Early Child Special Ed Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ECED2140 | Clincal Practicum II | ECSPELEC | Early Child Special Ed Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ECED2310 | Safe, Healthy Learn Environ | HEC 2200 | Dev: Conception-Age 9 | Fall Term 2014 |
ECED2315 | Early Childhood Curriculum | ECEDELEC | ECED Elective | Fall Term 2014 |
ECED2320 | Infant, Toddler, Child Dev | ELECTIVE | Infant, Toddler, Child Dev | Fall Term 2021 |
ECED2340 | Family Dynamics | ELECTIVE | Family Dynamics | Fall Term 2021 |
ECED2340 | Family Dynamics | HEC 2060 | The Family System | Fall Term 2014 |
ECED2340 | Family Dynamics | HEC ELEC | Human Ecology Elective | Fall Term 2014 |
ECED2360 | Dev of Exceptional Child | ELECTIVE | Dev of Exceptional Child | Fall Term 2021 |
ECON2010 | Macroeconomics | ECON2020 | Principles of Macroeconomics | Fall Term 2011 |
ECON2010 | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECON2020 | Principles of Macroeconomics | Fall Term 2018 |
ECON2020 | Microeconomics | ECON2010 | Principles of Microeconomics | Fall Term 2011 |
ECON2100 | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECON2020 | Principles of Macroeconomics | Fall Term 2018 |
ECON2200 | Principles of Microeconomics | ECON2010 | Principles of Microeconomics | Fall Term 2018 |
EDUC1010 | The Freshman Experience | UNIVELEC | The Freshman Experience | Fall Term 2001 |
EDUC2010 | Psy of Hum Develop for Teacher | EDPY2200 | Educational Psychology | Fall Term 2001 |
EDUC2100 | Orientation to the Prof of Ed | FOED1010 | Intro to the Teaching Prof | Fall Term 2001 |
EDUC2100 | Orientation to the Prof of Ed | FOEDELEC | Orientation to the Prof of Ed | Fall Term 2003 |
EDUC2110 | Career Planning for the 21st | FOEDELEC | Career Planning for the 21st | Fall Term 2001 |
EDUC2210 | Educational Psychology | PSY 2210 | Educational Psychology | Spring Term 2021 |
EDUC2210 | Educational Psychology | EDPY2210 | Educational Psychology | Fall Term 2018 |
EDUC2300 | Foundations of Education | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
EDUC2300 | Introduction to Education | FOEDELEC | Introduction to Education | Fall Term 2015 |
EDUC2910 | Field Study in Education | FOEDELEC | Field Study in Education | Fall Term 2001 |
EGRT2020 | Technology and Society | GE HUFA | Technology and Society | Fall Term 2019 |
ENGL1010 | Composition I | ENGL1010 | English Composition I | Fall Term 2016 |
ENGL1010 | Composition I | ENGL1010 | Writing I | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL1020 | Composition II | ENGL1020 | English Composition II | Fall Term 2016 |
ENGL1020 | Composition II | ENGL1020 | Writing II | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2110 | American Literature I | ENGLSO1A | American Literature I | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2110 | American Literature I | ENGL2130 | American Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2120 | American Literature II | ENGLSO1A | American Literature II | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2120 | American Literature II | ENGL2130 | American Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2210 | British Literature I | ENGL2230 | British Literature | Fall Term 2014 |
ENGL2210 | British Literature I | ENGLSO1B | British Literature I | Fall Term 2017 |
ENGL2210 | British Literature I | ENGLSO1B | British Literature I | Fall Term 2014 |
ENGL2210 | British Literature I | ENGL2235 | Topics in British Literature | Fall Term 2017 |
ENGL2220 | British Literature II | ENGL2230 | British Literature | Fall Term 2014 |
ENGL2220 | British Literature II | ENGL2235 | Topics in British Literature | Fall Term 2017 |
ENGL2220 | British Literature II | ENGLSO1B | British Literature II | Fall Term 2014 |
ENGL2220 | British Literature II | ENGLSO1B | British Literature II | Fall Term 2017 |
ENGL2230 | Literature for Children | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2310 | Technical Writing | PC 3250 | Professional Communication I | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2310 | Technical Writing | PC ELEC | Professional Comm Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
ENGL2400 | Appalachian Literature | ELECTIVE | Elective Credit | Fall Term 2009 |
ENGL2410 | Western World Literature I | ENGL2330 | World Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2410 | Western World Literature I | ENGLSO1 | Sophomore Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2420 | Western World Literature II | ENGL2330 | World Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2420 | Western World Literature II | ENGLSO1 | Sophomore Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2510 | Folklore | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
ENGL2510 | Folklore | ENGL4810 | Intro to Folklore | Fall Term 2005 |
ENGL2510 | Folklore | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2810 | Creative Writing I | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2820 | Creative Writing II | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2990 | English Problems | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2990 | English Problems | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGL2990 | English Problems | ENGLELEC | English Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ENGR2110 | Statics | ELECTIVE | Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
ENGR2110 | Statics | CEE 2110 | Statics | Fall Term 2011 |
ENGR2120 | Dynamics | ME 2330 | Dynamics | Fall Term 2011 |
ENGR2120 | Dynamics | ELECTIVE | Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
ETDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | ENGR2121 | Engr Applications in C | Fall Term 2010 |
ETDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | ENGR1110 | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2010 |
ETDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | ENGRELEC | Engineering Graphics I | Fall Term 2010 |
ETEE1510 | Digital Electronics | MET ELEC | Digital Electronics | Fall Term 2018 |
ETMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MIT 1100 | Intro to Mfg Engr Tech | Fall Term 2012 |
ETMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MIT 1110 | Intro/Manufacturing Technology | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MIT ELEC | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2012 |
ETMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MET 1100 | Intro to Mfg Engr Tech | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF1430 | Qualty Assurance | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF1430 | Qualty Assurance | MIT ELEC | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF1810 | Industrial Supervision | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF2610 | Occupational Safety | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF2610 | Occupational Safety | MET 2000 | Occupational Safety | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF2610 | Occupational Safety | MIT 2000 | Occupational Safety | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF2610 | Occupational Safety | MIT ELEC | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF2720 | Facilities Planning | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETMF2720 | Facilities Planning | MIT ELEC | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF2740 | Industrial Measurement | MIT ELEC | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETMF2740 | Industrial Measurement | MET ELEC | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
FREN1010 | Beginning French I | FREN1010 | Elementary French I | Fall Term 2001 |
FREN1020 | Beginning French II | FREN1020 | Elementary French II | Fall Term 2001 |
FREN2010 | Intermediate French I | FREN2010 | Transition to Intermediate | Fall Term 2001 |
FREN2010 | Intermediate French | FREN2010 | Intermediate French 1 | Fall Term 2019 |
FREN2020 | Intermediate French II | FREN2020 | Intermediate French | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG1012 | Intro to Cultural Geography | GEOG1120 | Human Geography | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG1012 | Cultural Geography | GEOG1012 | Cultural Geography | Fall Term 2018 |
GEOG1013 | World Geography I | GE SBS | General Ed Social/Behavioral | Fall Term 2004 |
GEOG1013 | World Geography I | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG1013 | World Geography I | GEOG1110 | World Geography | Fall Term 2009 |
GEOG1014 | World Geogarphy II | GE SBS | General Ed Social/Behavioral | Fall Term 2004 |
GEOG1014 | World Geography II | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG1030 | Cultural Geography | GEOG1012 | Cultural Geography | Fall Term 2017 |
GEOG1030 | Cultural Geography | GEOG1120 | Intro to Human Geography | Fall Term 2011 |
GEOG2010 | World Regional Geography | GEOG1110 | World Geography | Fall Term 2011 |
GEOG2010 | World Regional Geography | GEOG1035 | World Regional Geography I | Fall Term 2017 |
GEOG2990 | Projects in Geography | GEOGELEC | Geography Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
GEOG2990 | Projects in Geography | GEOG4810 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG2990 | Projects in Geography | GEOG4810 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
GEOG2990 | Projects in Geography | GEOG4810 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
GERM1010 | Beginning German I | GERM1010 | Elementary German I | Fall Term 2001 |
GERM1020 | Beginning German II | GERM1020 | Elementary German II | Fall Term 2001 |
GERM2010 | Intermediate German I | GERM2010 | Transition to Intermediate | Fall Term 2001 |
GERM2010 | Intermediate German I | GERM2010 | Intermediate German 1 | Fall Term 2019 |
GERM2020 | Intermediate German II | GERM2020 | Intermediate German | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST1000 | Intro to US History | HIST2000 | Intro to US History | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST1110 | Survey of World Civ I | HIST2310 | Early World History | Fall Term 2017 |
HIST1110 | Survey of World Civ I | HIST1110 | World Civ I | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST1110 | Survey of World Civ I | HIST1110 | World Civilizations I | Fall Term 2002 |
HIST1120 | Survey of World Civ II | HIST2320 | Modern World History | Fall Term 2017 |
HIST1120 | Survey of World Civ II | HIST1120 | World Civ II | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST1120 | Survey of World Civ II | HIST1120 | World Civilizations II | Fall Term 2002 |
HIST2010 | American History I | HIST2010 | American History I | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST2020 | American History II | HIST2020 | American History II | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST2030 | Tennessee History | HIST2030 | History of Tennessee | Fall Term 2002 |
HIST2030 | Tennessee History | ELECTIVE | eLECTIVE | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST2118 | Honors American History I | HIST2010 | American History I | Fall Term 2003 |
HIST2128 | Honors American History II | HIST2020 | American History II | Fall Term 2003 |
HIST2200 | Women in Society | HISTELEC | History Elective | Spring Term 2010 |
HIST2200 | Women in Society | SOC 2200 | Gender and Society | Fall Term 2001 |
HIST2310 | Early World History | HIST2310 | Early World History | Fall Term 2018 |
HIST2320 | Modern World History | HIST2320 | Modern World History | Fall Term 2018 |
HLTH2010 | Nutrition | HEC 2020 | Nutrition | Spring Term 2013 |
HLTH2210 | Personal Heatlh | EXPWELEC | EXPW Elective | Fall Term 2008 |
HLTH2210 | Personal Heatlh | HPE 2110 | Personal and Community Health | Fall Term 2001 |
HLTH2220 | Human Sexuality | HPE 2150 | Human Sexuality | Fall Term 2001 |
HLTH2310 | Safety and First Aid | EXPW2430 | First Aid, Safety & CPR | Fall Term 2006 |
HLTH2310 | Safety and First Aid | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2006 |
HLTH2310 | Safety and First Aid | HPE 2430 | First Aid, Safety and CPR | Fall Term 2001 |
HMGT1250 | Service Management | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
HMGT2620 | Basic Sanitation | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
HMGT2700 | Food and Beverage Service | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
HUM 1010 | Intro to Humanities I | HUM 1010 | Intro to Humanities I | Spring Term 2008 |
HUM 1010 | Early Humanities | GE HUFA | Early Humanities | Fall Term 2018 |
HUM 1020 | Intro to Humanities II | HUM 1020 | Introduction to Humanities II | Spring Term 2010 |
HUM 1020 | Modern Humanities | GE HUFA | Modern Humanities | Fall Term 2018 |
HUM 1030 | Intro to Film Appreciation | GE HUFA | GE Humanities/Fine Arts | Fall Term 2008 |
HUM 2010 | Humanities:The Human Adventure | GE HUFA | General Ed Humanities/Fine Art | Fall Term 2002 |
HUM 2010 | The Human Adventure I | GE HUFA | GE Humanities/Fine Arts | Fall Term 2004 |
HUM 2110 | The Human Adventure II | GE HUFA | General Ed Humanities/Fine Art | Fall Term 2004 |
HUM 2150 | Women in Literature | ENGLELEC | Women in Literature | Fall Term 2001 |
HUM 2200 | Women in Society | SOC 2200 | Gender and Society | Fall Term 2001 |
HUM 2200 | Women in Society | HISTELEC | Women in Society | Spring Term 2010 |
HUM 2500 | Intro to the Great Books | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
HUM 2860 | Introductory Film Studies | GE HUFA | Introductory Film Studies | Fall Term 2018 |
HUM 2900 | Probs and Tops in Cult Studies | SOC ELEC | Probs and Tops in Cult Studies | Fall Term 2001 |
HUM 2990 | Special Probs in Humanities | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
INFS1010 | Computer Applications | CSC 1100 | Intro To Computing | Fall Term 2011 |
INFS1010 | Computer Applications | DS 2810 | Computer Applications/Business | Fall Term 2013 |
INFS1010 | Computer Applications | CSC 1100 | Intro To Computing | Fall Term 2013 |
INFS1010 | Computer Applications | DS 2810 | Computer Applications/Business | Fall Term 2015 |
INFS1150 | Intro to Microcomputers | INFS1150 | Intro to Microcomputers | Summer Term 2009 |
ITDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | BE 1110 | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2001 |
ITDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | BE 1210 | Intro to Engineering | Fall Term 2001 |
ITDD1010 | Engineering Graphics I | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF1210 | Industrial Mat and Processes | MIT 1110 | Materials of Industry | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF1510 | Total Quality Applications | MIT ELEC | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITMF1810 | Industrial Supervision | MIT ELEC | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITMF1810 | Industrial Supervision | MIT 4430 | Industrial Supervision | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF2610 | Industrial Safety | MIT 3720 | Occupational Safety | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF2610 | Occupational Safety | MIT 2000 | Occupational Safety | Fall Term 2003 |
ITMF2720 | Facilities Planning | MIT 4310 | Plant Layout and Mat Handling | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF2740 | Indust Measure and Cost System | MIT 3710 | Methods Design | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH0990 | Geometry | MATH0990 | Geometry | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH0990 | Geometry | ADPM0990 | Geometry | Fall Term 2003 |
MATH1130 | College Algebra | MATH1130 | College Algebra | Fall Term 2002 |
MATH1410 | Number Concepts and Algebraic | MATH1410 | Survey of Elemenary Math I | Fall Term 2003 |
MATH1420 | Problem Solving, Geom and Stat | MATH1420 | Survey of Elementary Math II | Fall Term 2003 |
MATH1420 | Problem Solving | MATHELEC | Math Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1530 | Probability and Statistics | MATH1530 | Elementary Prob and Stats | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1610 | Finite Mathematics | MATH1630 | Finite Mathematics | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1630 | Finite Mathematics | MATH1630 | Finite Mathematics | Fall Term 2002 |
MATH1710 | Mathematical Functions I | MATH1710 | Pre-Calculus I | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1720 | Mathematical Functions II | MATH1720 | Pre-Calculus II | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1830 | Calculus A | MATH1830 | Concepts of Calculus | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1910 | Calculus I w/Computer Projects | MATH1910 | Calculus I | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH1920 | Calculus II w/Comp Projects | MATH1920 | Calculus II | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH2010 | Linear Algebra | MATH2010 | Matrix Algebra | Fall Term 2012 |
MATH2050 | Probability and Stat Apps | MATHELEC | Math Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
MATH2050 | Prob and Statistical Apps | MATH1530 | Elementary Prob and Stats | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH2050 | Probability and Stat Apps | MATH3070 | Statistical Methods I | Fall Term 2003 |
MATH2110 | Calculus III w/Comp Projects | MATH2110 | Calculus III | Fall Term 2001 |
MATH2120 | Differential Equations | MATH2120 | Differential Equations | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM1020 | Intro to Mass Communications | JOUR2200 | Intro to Mass Communications | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM1040 | Writing for Mass Media | JOUR2220 | News Reporting | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM1050 | Intro to Video Technology | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM1140 | Electronic Field Production | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM1230 | TV and Radio Advertising | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2010 | Technical Video Production | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2020 | Intro to Film and Media | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2030 | Reporting | JOUR2220 | News Reporting | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2050 | History and Prin of Journalism | JOUR3760 | History and Law of Journalism | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2600 | Survey of Broadcasting | JOURELEC | Journalism Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
MCOM2600 | Survey of Broadcasting | JOUR3400 | Intro to Broadcast Journalism | Fall Term 2001 |
MCOM2990 | Special Problems in Mass Comm | JOUR4840 | Special Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
MGMT1010 | Basic Business Computer Apps | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2003 |
MGMT1010 | Business Computer Apps | DS 2810 | Computer Apps in Business | Fall Term 2004 |
MGMT1100 | Business Computer Apps | DS 2810 | Computer Apps in Business | Fall Term 2001 |
MGMT1100 | Business Computer Applications | DS 2810 | Computer Apps in Business | Fall Term 2007 |
MGMT1110 | Electronic Spreadsheet | DS 2810 | Computer Applications | Fall Term 2004 |
MUS 1020 | Fundamentals of Music | MUS 1110 | Music Fundamentals | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1027 | Class Piano I | MUS 1011 | Beg Class Piano/Mus Mjrs I | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1030 | Music Appreciation | MUS 1030 | Music Appreciation | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1040 | Ear Training I | MUS 1130 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2002 |
MUS 1045 | Ear Training II | MUS 1150 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2002 |
MUS 1050 | Concert Choir | MUS 1070 | Concert Choir | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1057 | Theory I | MUS 1120 | Harmony I | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1058 | Ear Training I | MUS 1130 | Aural Techniques I | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1060 | College-Community Chorale | MUS 1065 | Mastersingers | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1090 | Jazz Band | MUS 1090 | Jazz Ensemble | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1110 | Theory I | MUS 1120 | Harmony | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1110 | Theory I | MUS 1120 | Harmony I | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1110 | Theory I | MUS 1130 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1120 | Theory II | MUS 1150 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1120 | Theory II | MUS 1140 | Harmony | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1120 | Theory II | MUS 1140 | Harmony II | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1127 | Class Piano II | MUS 1012 | Beg Class Piano/Mus Mjrs II | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1155 | Music Theory II | MUS 1140 | Harmony II | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1156 | Ear Training II | MUS 1150 | Aural Techniques II | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 1510 | Class Voice I | MUS 1021 | Class Voice Instruction | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1510 | Class Voice I | MUS 1021 | Class Voice Techniques I | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1510 | Class Voice I | MUS ELEC | Class Voice I | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1520 | Class Voice II | MUS 1022 | Class Voice Techniques II | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1520 | Class Voice II | MUS 1022 | Class Voice Instruction | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1520 | Class Voice II | MUS ELEC | Class Voice II | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1610 | Class Piano I | MUS 1011 | Beginning Class Piano | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1620 | Class Piano II | MUS 1012 | Beginning Class Piano | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1810 | Class Guitar I | MUS 1035 | Beginning Class Guitar | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1810 | Class Guitar I | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1810 | Class Guitar I | MUS 1035 | Beginning Class Guitar | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1820 | Class Guitar II | MUS 1035 | Beginning Class Guitar | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1820 | Class Guitar II | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1912 | Individ Mus Instruction-Voice | MUS 1200 | Private Voice | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1912 | Individ Mus Instruction-Voice | MUS 1200 | Private Voice | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1912 | Individ Mus Instruction-Voice | MUS 1200 | Private Voice | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1912 | Individ Mus Instruction-Voice | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1922 | Individ Mus Instruct-Keyboard | MUS 1100 | Private Piano | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1922 | Individ Mus Instruct-Keyboard | MUS 1100 | Private Piano | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1922 | Individ Mus Instruct-Keyboard | MUS 1100 | Private Piano | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1922 | Individ Mus Instruct-Keyboard | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1932 | Indivd Mus Instruct-Instrument | MUS ELEC | Music Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1933 | Individ Mus Instruct-Guitar | MUS 1900 | Private Guitar | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1933 | Individ Mus Instruct-Guitar | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1933 | Individ Mus Instruct-Guitar | MUS 1900 | Private Guitar | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1933 | Individ Mus Instruct-Guitar | MUS 1900 | Private Guitar | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1934 | Individ Mus Instruct-Woodwinds | MUS 1402 | Private Clarinet | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1934 | Individ Mus Instruct-Woodwinds | MUS 1400 | Private Flute/ Piccolo | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1934 | Individ Mus Instruct-Woodwinds | MUS 1403 | Private Bassoon | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1934 | Individ Mus Instruct-Woodwinds | MUS 1041 | Woodwind Techniques I | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1934 | Individ Mus Instruct-Woodwinds | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1935 | Individ Music Instruct-Brass | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1935 | Individ Music Instruct-Brass | |||
MUS 1936 | Individ Mus Instruct-Percuss | MUS 1700 | Private Percussion | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1936 | Individ Mus Instruct-Percuss | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1936 | Individ Mus Instruct-Percuss | MUS 1700 | Private Percussion | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1936 | Individ Mus Instruct-Percuss | MUS 1700 | Private Percussion | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 1937 | Individ Music Instruct-Strings | MUS 1301 | Private Violoncello | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1937 | Individ Music Instruct-Strings | MUS 1303 | Private Viola | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1937 | Individ Music Instruct-Strings | MUS 1302 | Private String Bass | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 1937 | Individ Music Instruct-Strings | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 1937 | Individ Music Instruct-Strings | MUS 1300 | Private Violin | Fall Term 2019 |
MUS 2055 | Music Theory I | MUS ELEC | Harmony III | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 2055 | Music Theory I | MUS 2110 | Harmony III | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 2090 | College-Community Symphonic | MUS 1045 | Concert Band | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 2110 | Advanced Theory I | MUS 2110 | Harmony | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 2110 | Advanced Theory I | MUS 2120 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 2110 | Advanced Theory I | MUS 2110 | Harmony III | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 2110 | Advanced Theory I | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 2120 | Advanced Theory II | MUS 2130 | Harmony | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 2120 | Advanced Theory II | MUS 2140 | Aural Techniques | Fall Term 2001 |
MUS 2120 | Advanced Theory II | MUS ELEC | Music Elective Credit | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 2120 | Advanced Theory II | MUS 2130 | Harmony IV | Fall Term 2011 |
MUS 2155 | Music Theory IV | MUS 2130 | Harmony IV | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 2155 | Music Theory IV | MUS ELEC | Music Theory IV | Fall Term 2018 |
MUS 2990 | Music Problems | MUS ELEC | Music Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1010 | Physical Conditioning | PHED1360 | Slimnastics and Aerobics | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1020 | Adaptive Physical Ed I | PHED1000 | Modified Seasonal Sports | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1030 | Adaptive Physical Ed II | PHED1001 | Modified Seasonal Sports | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1030 | Adaptive Physical Ed II | PHED1000 | Modified Seasonal Sports | Fall Term 2022 |
PHED1110 | Archery | PHED1040 | Archery | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1140 | Personal Wellness | PHEDACT | PHED Activity | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1140 | Personal Wellness | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1210 | Badminton | PHED1110 | Badminton | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1220 | Racquetball | PHED1080 | Racquetball and Handball | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1250 | Tennis | PHED1010 | Tennis | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1310 | Basketball | PHED1290 | Basketball for Men | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1310 | Basketball | PHED1050 | Basketball for Women | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1350 | Softball | PHED1090 | Softball | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1410 | Bowling | PHED1030 | Bowling | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1510 | Contemporary Dance | PHEDACT | PHED Activity | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1520 | Exerdance | PHEDACT | PHED Activity | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1610 | Golf | PHED1100 | Golf | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1710 | Soccer | PHED1240 | Soccer | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1720 | Weight Training | PHED1370 | Weight Training | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1730 | Volleyball | PHED1070 | Volleyball | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1810 | Karate | PHED1170 | Karate | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1910 | Aquatics | PHED1020 | Swimming | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1920 | Water Exercise | PHED1190 | Water Aerobics | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED1930 | Snow Skiing | PHEDACT | Snow Skiiing | Fall Term 2022 |
PHED1930 | Snow Skiing | PHED1300 | Snow Skiing | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2000 | Personal Wellness | GE SBS | General Ed Social/Behavioral | Fall Term 2004 |
PHED2010 | Intro to PHED | EXPW1020 | Intro to Exercise Science | Fall Term 2006 |
PHED2010 | Intro to PHED | EXPW1022 | Intro to EXPW | Fall Term 2007 |
PHED2010 | Intro to PHED | EXPW1021 | Connection to EXPW | Fall Term 2007 |
PHED2010 | Intro to PHED | HPE 2000 | PHED-Intro and History | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2070 | Sports Officiating | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2110 | Human Motor Behavior | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2310 | Sport and Phys Act in Society | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2320 | Care and Treatment of Injuries | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2320 | Care and Treatment of Injuries | HPE 3150 | Care of Prevention of Injuries | Fall Term 2006 |
PHED2320 | Care and Treatment of Injuries | HPE ELEC | Health and PHED Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
PHED2320 | Care and Treatment of Injuries | EXPWELEC | Exercise Science Elective | Fall Term 2004 |
PHED2810 | Skills and Teach of Elem Act | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHED2990 | Probs in Health, PHED and Rec | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL1030 | Human Nature and Life | PHIL1030 | Intro to Philosophy | Fall Term 2002 |
PHIL1040 | Introduction to Ethics | PHIL2250 | Introductory Ethics | Fall Term 2018 |
PHIL1100 | Practical Reasoning | PHIL2100 | Introductory Logic | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL1110 | Elementary Logic | PHIL2100 | Introductory Logic | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL121 | Elementary Ethics | PHIL121 | Elementary Ethics | Spring Term 2006 |
PHIL1600 | Issues in Philosophy | PHILELEC | Philosophy Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL201 | Intro to World Religions | PHIL201 | Intro to World Religions | Fall Term 2002 |
PHIL2020 | Self and Values | GE HUFA | General Ed Humanities/Fine Art | Fall Term 2004 |
PHIL2025 | Human Nature and Life | PHIL1030 | Introduction to Philosophy | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL2200 | Intro to World Religions | GE HUFA | Intro to World Religions | Fall Term 2019 |
PHIL2210 | Religions and Culture | GE HUFA | General Ed Humanities/Fine Art | Fall Term 2004 |
PHIL2210 | Religions and Cultures | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PHIL2400 | Introduction to Ethics | PHIL2250 | Introductory Ethics | Fall Term 2009 |
PHIL2640 | Science and the Mod World | GE HUFA | Humanities/Fine Arts | Fall Term 2014 |
PHYS2020 | General Physics II/Lab | PHYS2020 | Algebra-based Physics II | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2110 | Physics I/Lab | PHYS2110 | Calc-based Phys I w/ Lab | Fall Term 2015 |
PHYS2110 | Physics I/Lab | PHYS2111 | Calculus-based Physics I Lab | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2110 | Physics I/Lab | PHYS2110 | Calculus-based Physics I | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2120 | Physics II | PHYS2120 | Calc-based Phys II w/ Lab | Fall Term 2015 |
PHYS2210 | Statics (with Calculus) | CEE 2110 | Engineering Mechanics-Statics | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2220 | Dynamics (with Calculus) | ME 2330 | Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2630 | Modern Physics | PHYS2420 | Modern Physics | Fall Term 2001 |
POLI1120 | Intro to American Government | POLS2210 | American Government | Fall Term 2001 |
POLI1120 | Intro to American Government | POLS1000 | American Government | Fall Term 2006 |
POLI2010 | Intro to Political Science | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
POLI2010 | Intro to Political Science | GE SBS | General Ed Social/Behavioral | Fall Term 2004 |
POLI2010 | Intro to Political Science | POLS1100 | Intro to Political Science | Fall Term 2009 |
POLI2900 | Probs and Tops in Cult Studies | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
POLI2990 | Problems in Political Science | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
POLI2990 | Problems in Political Science | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
POLS1010 | Intro to Political Science | GE SBS | Intro to Political Science | Fall Term 2018 |
POLS1030 | American Government | POLS1000 | American Government | Fall Term 2011 |
POLS1030 | American Government | POLS1030 | American Government | Fall Term 2017 |
POLS1501 | Intro to International Relatio | POLS1501 | Intro to International Relatio | Spring Term 2007 |
POLS2010 | State and Local Government | POLS2010 | State and Local Government | Fall Term 2011 |
POLS2100 | Intro to Political Science | GE SBS | GE Social/Behavioral Science | Fall Term 2011 |
PSCI1030 | Concept Earth and Space Scienc | GE NS | Natural Science elective | Fall Term 2008 |
PSY 101 | General Psychology | PSY 101 | General Psychology | Spring Term 2002 |
PSYC1030 | General Psychology | PSY 2010 | General Psychology | Fall Term 2011 |
PSYC1030 | General Psychology | PSY 1030 | Introduction to Psychology | Fall Term 2017 |
PSYC1310 | Intro to Psychology I | PSY 2010 | General Psychology | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2010 | Creative Problem Solving | PSY 3000 | Problem Solving | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2010 | Creative Problem Solving | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
PSYC2120 | Social Psychology | PSY ELEC | PSY Elective | Fall Term 2011 |
PSYC2130 | Life Span Psychology | GE SBS | GE Social/Behavioral Science | Fall Term 2011 |
PSYC2130 | Life Span Psychology | PSY 2130 | Life Span Devlopmnt Psychology | Fall Term 2021 |
PSYC2130 | Life Span Psychology | PSY 2130 | Life Span Developmental Psych | Fall Term 2015 |
PSYC2130 | Life Span Psychology | HEC 1010 | Life Span Development | Fall Term 2021 |
PSYC2240 | Social Psychology | PSY ELEC | Social Psychology | Fall Term 2009 |
PSYC2310 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY 4160 | Abnormal Psychology | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2310 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
PSYC2320 | The Psychology of Helping | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2410 | Psy of Child and Adolescence | PSY 4200 | Adolescent Psychology | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2410 | Psychology of Childhood | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
PSYC2420 | Developmental Psychology | PSY 3200 | Developmental Psychology | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2420 | Developmental Psychology | GE SBS | General Ed Social/Behavioral | Fall Term 2005 |
PSYC2420 | Developmental Psychology | PSY 3200 | Developmental Psychology | Fall Term 2004 |
PSYC2990 | Problems in Psychology | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2990 | Problems in Psychology | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
PSYC2990 | Problems in Psychology | PSY ELEC | Psychology Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
RELS2020 | Religions of the World | GE HUFA | Religions of the World | Fall Term 2019 |
SOCI1010 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC 1010 | Intro to Sociology | Fall Term 2011 |
SOCI1020 | General Sociology | SOC 1010 | Intro to Sociology | Fall Term 2001 |
SOCI1020 | Social Problems | SOC 1650 | Social Problems | Fall Term 2011 |
SOCI1040 | Social Problems | SOC 1650 | Social Problems | Fall Term 2018 |
SOCI1240 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | ANTH1100 | Intro to Anthropology | Fall Term 2003 |
SOCI1240 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | SOC 1100 | Intro to Anthropology | Fall Term 2001 |
SOCI2010 | Marriage and Family | SOC 2630 | Marriage & Family Relations | Fall Term 2011 |
SOCI2020 | Social Probs and Human Values | SOC 1650 | Social Problems | Fall Term 2001 |
SOCI2020 | Social Probs and Human Values | SOC 1650 | Social Problems | Fall Term 2004 |
SOCI2110 | The Fam, Soc, and Individual | SOC 2630 | Marriage and Family Relations | Fall Term 2001 |
SOCI2210 | Sociology of Citizenship | GE SBS | Social/Behaviorial Science | Fall Term 2012 |
SOCI2310 | Intro to Human Services | SOC 1800 | Intro to Social Work | Fall Term 2001 |
SOWK1010 | Introduction to Social Work | SW 1800 | Intro to Social Work | Fall Term 2008 |
SP 110 | Fund of Public Speaking | SP 110 | Fund of Public Speaking | Fall Term 2001 |
SPAN1010 | Beginning Spanish I | SPAN1010 | Elementary Spanish I | Fall Term 2001 |
SPAN1020 | Beginning Spanish II | SPAN1020 | Elementary Spanish II | Fall Term 2001 |
SPAN1030 | Civilizations and Cultures | GE HUFA | Civilizations and Cultures | Fall Term 2019 |
SPAN2010 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN2010 | Intermediate Spanish 1 | Fall Term 2019 |
SPAN2010 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN2010 | Transition to Intermediate | Fall Term 2001 |
SPAN2020 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN2020 | Intermediate Spanish | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH1010 | Fundmentals of Speech Comm | COMM2025 | Fundamentals of Communication | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH1010 | Fundmentals of Speech Comm | SPCH2410 | Intro to Speech Comm | Fall Term 2011 |
SPCH1210 | Voice and Physical Preparation | COMMELEC | Voice and Physical Preparation | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH1210 | Voice and Physical Preparation | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2000 | Forensics | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2000 | Forensics | COMMELEC | Forensics | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH2010 | Intro to Speech Communication | SPCH2410 | Fund of Public Speaking | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2020 | Advanced Speech Communication | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2020 | Advanced Speech Communication | COMMELEC | Advanced Speech Communication | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH2030 | Debate | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
SPCH2030 | Debate | COMMELEC | Debate | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH2030 | Debate | SPCH3130 | Speech Activities | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2040 | Interpersonal Communication | COMMELEC | Interpersonal Communication | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH2040 | Interpersonal Communication | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2050 | Intro to Film and Media Crit | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2440 | Oral Interpretation | THEA2110 | Play Production | Fall Term 2001 |
SPCH2900 | Contemporary Topics in Speech | COMMELEC | Contemporary Topics in Speech | Fall Term 2017 |
SPCH2900 | Contemporary Topics in Speech | SPCHELEC | Speech Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
SPED2010 | Intro to Special Education | SPED2010 | Intro to Special Education | Fall Term 2001 |
SPED2210 | Sign Language I | SPEDELEC | Special Education Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
SPED2210 | Sign Language I | SPED4050 | Sign Language I | Fall Term 2001 |
SPED2220 | Sign Language II | SPED4090 | Sign Language II | Fall Term 2001 |
SPED2220 | Sign Language II | SPEDELEC | Special Education Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
SWRK2010 | Intro to Social Work | SW 1800 | Intro to Social Work | Fall Term 2011 |
THEA1015 | Acting I | THEA1015 | Acting I | Fall Term 2018 |
THEA1025 | Stage Craft I | THEAELEC | Stage Craft I | Fall Term 2018 |
THEA1030 | Intro to Theatre | THEA1030 | Intro to Theatre | Fall Term 2001 |
THEA2410 | Acting I | THEA2100 | Acting | Fall Term 2001 |
THEA2410 | Acting I | THEA2015 | Acting II | Fall Term 2017 |
THEA2430 | Stagecraft | ELECTIVE | Elective | Fall Term 2001 |
THEA2430 | Stagecraft | THEAELEC | Theatre Elective | Fall Term 2003 |
THEA2430 | Stagecraft | THEA3300 | Stage Tech, Costuming and Make | Fall Term 2005 |
THEA2440 | Oral Interpretation | THEA2150 | Oral Interpretation of Lit | Fall Term 2001 |
THEA2440 | Oral Interpretation | THEAELEC | Oral Interpretation | Fall Term 2015 |
THEA2500 | Major Production | THEA2110 | Play Production | Fall Term 2001 |
ETEE1510 (01) | Digital Electronics | MET ELEC (01) | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETEE1510 (01) | Digital Electronics | MIT ELEC (01) | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETEE1511 (01) | Digital Electronics Lab | |||
ETEE2730 (02) | Industrial Controls | MIT ELEC (02) | MIT Elective | Fall Term 2010 |
ETEE2730 (02) | Industrial Controls | MET ELEC (02) | MET Elective | Fall Term 2013 |
ETEE2731 (02) | Industrial Controls Lab | |||
BIOL1110 (03) | Cell Biology | BIOL2140 (03) | Cellular Biology | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL1111 (03) | Cell Biology Lab | |||
BIOL1120 (04) | Biodiversity | BIOL1110 (04) | General Zoology | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL1120 (04) | General Biology II | BIOL1114 (04) | General Zoology | Fall Term 2014 |
BIOL1120 (04) | Biodiversity | BIOL1115 (04) | General Zoology | Spring Term 2013 |
BIOL1120 (04) | General Biology II | BIOL1123 (04) | General Biology II | Fall Term 2018 |
BIOL1121 (04) | General Biology II Lab | |||
BIOL1121 (04) | Biodiversity Lab | |||
BIOL2210 (05) | General Botany | BIOL2110 (05) | General Botany | Spring Term 2013 |
BIOL2210 (05) | General Botany | BIOL1120 (05) | General Botany | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL2211 (05) | General Botany Lab | |||
BIOL2310 (05) | General Botany I | BIOL2310 (05) | General Botany | Fall Term 2018 |
BIOL2311 (05) | General Botany I Lab | |||
BIOL2610 (08) | Genetics | BIOL3810 (08) | General Genetics | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL2611 (08) | Genetics Lab | |||
AGRM1110 (09) | Fundamentals of Animal Science | ANS 1200 (09) | Introductory Animal Science | Fall Term 2009 |
AGRM1110 (09) | Fundamentals of Animal Science | ANS 1210 (09) | Intro Animal Science Lab | Fall Term 2009 |
AGRM1111 (09) | Fund of Animal Science Lab | |||
CHEM1010 (10) | Intro Chemistry | CHEM1010 (10) | Intro to Chemistry I | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1011 (10) | Intro Chemistry Lab | |||
CHEM1020 (11) | Organic and Biochemistry | CHEM1020 (11) | Intro to Chemistry II | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1021 (11) | Organic and Biochemistry Lab | |||
BIOL2010 (12) | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL2010 (12) | Human Anat and Physiology I | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL2011 (12) | Human Anat and Phys I Lab | |||
BIOL2020 (13) | Human Anatomy and Phys II | BIOL2020 (13) | Human Anat and Physiology II | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL2021 (13) | Human Anat and Phys II Lab | |||
CHEM2010 (14) | Organic Chemistry I | CHEM3010 (14) | Organic Chemistry I | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM2011 (14) | Organic Chemistry I Lab | |||
CHEM2020 (15) | Organic Chemistry II | CHEM3020 (15) | Organic Chemistry II | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM2021 (15) | Organic Chemistry II Lab | |||
ITEE1320 (16) | DC Electrical Circuits | MIT 2220 (16) | Principles of Electricity | Fall Term 2001 |
ITEE1510 (17) | Digital Electronics | MIT 3220 (17) | Industrial Electronics | Fall Term 2001 |
ITEE2730 (18) | Industrial Controls | MIT 4070 (18) | Industrial Automation | Fall Term 2001 |
ITMF1430 (19) | Quality Assurance | MIT 3730 (19) | Quality Assurance | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2020 (1A) | General Physics II/Lab | PHYS2020 (1A) | Algebra-based Physics II | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2120 (1C) | Physics II | PHYS2120 (1C) | Calculus-based Physics II | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2120 (1C) | Physics II | PHYS2121 (1C) | Calculus-based Phys II Lab | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1120 (1D) | General Chemistry II | CHEM1120 (1D) | General Chemistry II | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1121 (1D) | General Chemistry II Lab | |||
ECON2010 (20) | Principles of Economics I | ECON2020 (20) | Principles of Macroeconomics | Fall Term 2001 |
ECON2010 (20) | Principles of Economics I | ECON2010 (20) | Principles of Microeconomics | Fall Term 2001 |
ECON2020 (20) | Principles of Economics II | |||
ECON2110 (20) | Principles of Economics I | ECON2020 (20) | Principles of Macroeconomics | Fall Term 2009 |
ECON2110 (20) | Principles of Economics I | ECON2010 (20) | Principles of Microeconomics | Fall Term 2009 |
ECON2120 (20) | Principles of Economics II | |||
AGRM1010 (21) | Fundamentals of Animal Science | ANS 1010 (21) | Intro to Animal Science | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1210 (22) | Intro to Crop Science | ELECTIVE (22) | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1210 (22) | Intro to Crop Science | AGRN1010 (22) | Plant Science | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1210 (22) | Intro to Crop Science | AGRN1100 (22) | Plant Science | Fall Term 2009 |
AGRM1210 (22) | Intro to Crop Science | AGRN1110 (22) | Plant Science Laboratory | Fall Term 2009 |
AGRM1211 (22) | Intro to Crop Science Lab | |||
AGRM1420 (23) | Fruit and Vegetable Production | AGR ELEC (23) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1421 (23) | Fruit and Vegetable Prod Lab | |||
AGRM1440 (24) | Interior Landscaping | AGR ELEC (24) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1441 (24) | Interior Landscaping Lab | |||
AGRM1510 (25) | Basic Landscape Plants | AGHT3450 (25) | Dendrology | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1511 (25) | Basic Landscape Plants Lab | |||
AGRM1520 (26) | Supplementary Landscape | AGHT3460 (26) | Interior Plantscaping | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1521 (26) | Supplementary Landscape Lab | |||
AGRM1610 (27) | Turf Power Equipment | AGET2110 (27) | Engineering Technology in Ag | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1610 (27) | Turf Power Equipment | AGET2115 (27) | Agricultural Engr Tech Lab | Fall Term 2013 |
AGRM1610 (27) | Turf Power Equipment | AGET2110 (27) | Agricultural Engr Technology | Fall Term 2013 |
AGRM1611 (27) | Turf Power Equipment Lab | |||
AGRM1620 (28) | Irrigation Systems | AGR ELEC (28) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1621 (28) | Irrigation Systems Lab | |||
AGRM1710 (29) | Agricultural Economics | AGBE2100 (29) | Economics of Agriculture | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM1711 (29) | Agricultural Economics Lab | |||
AGRM2010 (30) | Pests and Pesticides | AGR ELEC (30) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2011 (30) | Pests and Pesticides Lab | |||
AGRM2030 (31) | Soil Science | AGRN2210 (31) | Soils | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2031 (31) | Soil Science Lab | |||
AGRM2130 (32) | Animal Nutrition and Feeding | ANS ELEC (32) | Animal Science Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2131 (32) | Animal Nutrition and Feed Lab | |||
AGRM2140 (33) | Farm Animal Health | AGR ELEC (33) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2141 (33) | Farm Animal Health Lab | |||
AGRM2210 (34) | Greenhouse Crop Production | AGR ELEC (34) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2211 (34) | Greenhouse Crop Production Lab | |||
AGRM2310 (35) | Greenhouse Management | AGR ELEC (35) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2311 (35) | Greenhouse Management Lab | |||
AGRM2410 (36) | Residential Landscape Design | AGR ELEC (36) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2411 (36) | Residential Landscape Des Lab | |||
AGRM2420 (37) | Landscape Design | ELECTIVE (37) | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2421 (37) | Landscape Design Lab | |||
AGRM2440 (38) | Lawn and Landscape Maintenance | AGR ELEC (38) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2441 (38) | Lawn and Landscape Main Lab | |||
AGRM2460 (39) | Turfgrass Management | AGR ELEC (39) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2461 (39) | Turfgrass Mgmt Lab | |||
AGRM2470 (40) | Prof Turfgrass Mgmt | AGR ELEC (40) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2471 (40) | Prof Turfgrass Mgmt Lab | |||
AGRM2480 (41) | Golf Course Organization | AGR ELEC (41) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2481 (41) | Golf Course Organization Lab | |||
AGRM2630 (42) | Ag Microcomputer Applications | AGR ELEC (42) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2631 (42) | Ag Microcomputer Apps Lab | |||
ASTR1030 (43) | Astronomy | |||
ASTR1030 (43) | Astronomy | ASTR1010 (43) | Intro to Modern Astronomy | Fall Term 2002 |
ASTR1031 (43) | Astronomy Lab | |||
ASTR1032 (43) | Astronomy Lab | |||
CHEM1000 (44) | Basic Chemistry | CHEM1010 (44) | Intro to Chemistry I | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1001 (44) | Basic Chemistry Lab | |||
BIOL2510 (45) | Intro to Microbiology | BIOL3230 (45) | Health Science Microbiology | Fall Term 2002 |
BIOL2510 (45) | Intro to Microbiology | BIOL3200 (45) | General Microbiology | Fall Term 2002 |
BIOL2511 (45) | Intro to Microbiology Lab | |||
CPSC1230 (46) | Intro to Programming | ELECTIVE (46) | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC1230 (46) | Intro to Programming | CSC 1070 (46) | Elementary Programming | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1231 (46) | Intro to Programming Lab | |||
CPSC1235 (47) | Visual Basic | CSC 1070 (47) | Elementary Programming | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC1236 (47) | Visual Basic Lab | |||
CPSC1350 (48) | Intro to Computer Science I | BE 1120 (48) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC1351 (48) | Intro to Computer Sci I Lab | |||
CPSC1530 (49) | Intro to Computer Science II | CSC 2010 (49) | Intro to Computer Science | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC1531 (49) | Intro to Computer Sci II Lab | |||
CPSC2010 (50) | Assembly Language | CSC 3410 (50) | Computer Organization | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC2011 (50) | Assembly Language Lab | |||
CPSC2160 (51) | FORTRAN Math/Engineering | BE 1120 (51) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC2161 (51) | FORTRAN Math/Engineering Lab | |||
CPSC2290 (52) | File Processing | CSC 3620 (52) | File Processing | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC2291 (52) | File Processing Lab | |||
CPSC2750 (54) | Data Structures | CSC 2020 (54) | Data Structures | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC2751 (54) | Data Structures Lab | |||
CPSC2790 (56) | Networking Essentials | ELECTIVE (56) | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
CPSC2791 (56) | Networking Essentials Lab | |||
GEOL1030 (57) | Geology | GEOL1040 (57) | Physical Geology | Fall Term 2002 |
GEOL1031 (57) | Geology Lab | |||
ITDD1010 (58) | Engineering Graphics I | BE 1110 (58) | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2002 |
ITDD1010 (58) | Engineering Graphics I | BE 1210 (58) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2002 |
ITDD1010 (58) | Engineering Graphics I | ELECTIVE (58) | Elective | Fall Term 2002 |
ITDD1011 (58) | Engineering Graphics I Lab | |||
ITEE1320 (59) | DC Electrical Circuits | MIT 3200 (59) | Principles of Electricity | Fall Term 2003 |
ITEE1321 (59) | DC Electrical Circuits Lab | |||
ITEE1330 (59) | AC Electrical Circuits | |||
ITEE1331 (59) | AC Electrical Circuits Lab | |||
ITEE1510 (60) | Digitial Electronics | MIT 4200 (60) | Industrial Electronics | Fall Term 2003 |
ITEE1511 (60) | Digital Electronics Lab | |||
PSCI1010 (61) | Physical Science I | ELECTIVE (61) | Science Elective | Fall Term 2003 |
PSCI1011 (61) | Physical Science I Lab | |||
PSCI1020 (62) | Physical Science II | ELECTIVE (62) | Science Elective | Fall Term 2003 |
PSCI1021 (62) | Physical Science II Lab | |||
BIOL1010 (63) | General Biology I | BIOL1010 (63) | Introduction to Biology I | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL1011 (63) | General Biology I Lab | |||
CPSC1350 (64) | Intro to Computer Science I | ENGR1120 (64) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2004 |
CPSC1351 (64) | Intro to Comp Science I Lab | |||
CULN2210 (65) | Tableservice and Beverage Mgmt | ELECTIVE (65) | Elective | Fall Term 2004 |
CULN2211 (65) | Tableservice Mgmt Lab | |||
ECED2100 (66) | The Mentoring Teacher | ECSP3200 (66) | Procedures for I, Todd and Pre | Fall Term 2004 |
ECED2100 (66) | The Mentoring Teacher | ECSP3210 (66) | Practicum | Fall Term 2004 |
ECED2140 (66) | Clinical Practicum II | |||
ITDD1010 (67) | Engineering Graphics I | ELECTIVE (67) | Elective | Fall Term 2004 |
ITDD1010 (67) | Engineering Graphics I | ENGR1210 (67) | Intro to Engineering | Fall Term 2004 |
ITDD1010 (67) | Engineering Graphics I | ENGR1110 (67) | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2004 |
ITDD1011 (67) | Engineering Graphics I Lab | |||
PSCI1010 (68) | Physical Science I | GE NS (68) | General Ed Natural Science | Fall Term 2004 |
PSCI1011 (68) | Physical Science I Lab | |||
PSCI1020 (69) | Physical Science II | GE NS (69) | General Ed Natural Science | Fall Term 2004 |
PSCI1021 (69) | Physical Science II Lab | |||
AGRM1510 (70) | Basic Landscape Plants | AGHTELEC (70) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
AGRM1511 (70) | Basic Landscape Plants Lab | |||
AGRM1520 (71) | Supplementary Landscape | AGHTELEC (71) | Agriculture Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
AGRM1521 (71) | Supplementary Landscape Lab | |||
BIOL2510 (72) | Intro to Microbiology | BIOLELEC (72) | Biology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
BIOL2511 (72) | Intro to Microbiology Lab | |||
BIOL2610 (73) | Genetics | BIOLELEC (73) | Biology Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
BIOL2611 (73) | Genetics Lab | |||
CHEM2010 (74) | Organic Chemistry I | CHEMELEC (74) | Chemistry Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CHEM2010 (74) | Organic Chemistry I | CHEM3010 (74) | Organic Chemistry I | Fall Term 2017 |
CHEM2011 (74) | Organic Chemsitry I Lab | |||
CHEM2020 (75) | Organic Chemistry II | CHEMELEC (75) | Chemistry Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CHEM2020 (75) | Organic Chemistry II | CHEM3020 (75) | Organic Chemistry II | Fall Term 2017 |
CHEM2021 (75) | Organic Chemistry II Lab | |||
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ENGR1120 (76) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2005 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ENGR2121 (76) | Engineering Apps in C | Fall Term 2005 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | CSC 2100 (76) | Intro/Prob Solving-Comp Prog | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ELECTIVE (76) | Elective Credit | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ELECTIVE (76) | Elective Credit | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ENGR1120 (76) | Programming for Engineers | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1350 (76) | Intro to Computer Science I | ENGR2121 (76) | Engr Applications in C | Fall Term 2009 |
CPSC1351 (76) | Intro to Computer Sci I Lab | |||
CPSC2010 (77) | Assembly Language | CSC ELEC (77) | Computer Science Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CPSC2011 (77) | Assembly Language Lab | |||
CPSC2290 (78) | File Processing | CSC ELEC (78) | Computer Science Elective | Fall Term 2005 |
CPSC2291 (78) | File Processing Lab | |||
ITEE1320 (79) | DC Electrical Circuits | MIT ELEC (79) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITEE1321 (79) | DC Electrical Circuits Lab | |||
ITEE1330 (80) | AC Electrical Circuits | MIT ELEC (80) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITEE1331 (80) | AC Electrical Circuits Lab | |||
ITEE1510 (81) | Digital Electronics | MIT ELEC (81) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITEE1511 (81) | Digital Electronics Lab | |||
ITEE2730 (82) | Industrial Controls | MIT ELEC (82) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITEE2731 (82) | Industrial Controls Lab | |||
ITMF1430 (83) | Qualty Assurance | MIT ELEC (83) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITMF1431 (83) | Quality Assurance Lab | |||
ITMF2720 (84) | Facilities Planning | MIT ELEC (84) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITMF2721 (84) | Facilities Planning Lab | |||
ITMF2740 (85) | Industrial Measurement | MIT ELEC (85) | Mfg and Industrial Tech Elec | Fall Term 2005 |
ITMF2741 (85) | Industrial Measurement Lab | |||
CPSC1235 (86) | Visual Basic | ELECTIVE (86) | Elective | Fall Term 2006 |
CPSC1236 (86) | Visual Basic Lab | |||
CPSC1530 (87) | Intro to Computer Science II | CSC 2010 (87) | Intro to Computer Science | Fall Term 2006 |
CPSC1530 (87) | Intro to Computer Science II | CSC 2011 (87) | Intro to Computer Science Lab | Fall Term 2006 |
CPSC1531 (87) | Intro to Computer Sci II Lab | |||
CHEM1000 (88) | Chemistry Problem Solving | GE NS (88) | Chemistry Problem Solving | Fall Term 2018 |
CHEM1000 (88) | Basic Chemistry | GE NS (88) | General Ed Natural Science | Fall Term 2004 |
CHEM1001 (88) | Basic Chemistry Lab | |||
CHEM1002 (88) | Chemistry Problem Solving Lab | |||
ITDD1015 (89) | Pre-Engineering Graphics | ENGR1110 (89) | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2006 |
ITDD1016 (89) | Pre-Engineering Graphics Lab | |||
AGRM2360 (90) | Elements of Floral Design | AGHT3440 (90) | Floral Arrangment | Fall Term 2002 |
AGRM2361 (90) | Elements of Floral Design Lab | |||
CHEM1110 (92) | General Chemistry I | CHEM1110 (92) | General Chemistry I | Fall Term 2001 |
CHEM1111 (92) | General Chemistry I Lab | |||
PHYS2010 (93) | General Physics I/Lab | PHYS2010 (93) | Algebra-Based Physics I | Fall Term 2001 |
PHYS2011 (93) | General Physics Lab | |||
PSCI1030 (94) | Concepts of Space and Earth Sc | GE NS (94) | GE Natural Science | Fall Term 2008 |
PSCI1031 (94) | Concepts of Space Lab | |||
BIOL1110 (95) | Organization and Function | ELECTIVE (95) | Elective | Fall Term 2008 |
BIOL1110 (95) | General Biology I | BIOL1113 (95) | General Biology I | Fall Term 2018 |
BIOL1110 (95) | Organization and Function | BIOL1050 (95) | Principles of Biology | Fall Term 2008 |
BIOL1110 (95) | Organization and Function | BIOL1105 (95) | Foundations of Biology | Spring Term 2013 |
BIOL1111 (95) | General Biology I Lab | |||
BIOL1111 (95) | Organization and Function Lab | |||
BIOL1111 (95) | Organization and Function Lab | |||
BIOL2230 (96) | Introduction to Microbiology | BIOL3230 (96) | Health Science Microbiology | Fall Term 2008 |
BIOL2231 (96) | Intro to Microbiology Lab | |||
ETDD1015 (97) | Pre-Engineering Graphics | ENGR1110 (97) | Engineering Graphics | Fall Term 2010 |
ETDD1016 (97) | Pre-Engineering Graphics Lab | |||
BIOL1020 (98) | General Biology II | BIOL1020 (98) | Intro to Biology II | Fall Term 2001 |
BIOL1021 (98) | General Biology II Lab | BIOL1020 (98) | Gen Biology II Lab | Fall Term 2001 |