INSL Disposition Assessment Request
  • You must enter a total of 4 individuals as raters as follows:
    1. Immediate Building-Level Administrator or Principal
    2. Colleague (Current and Teaching at Similar Subject/Grade Level)
    3. Most Recent LEA Evaluator or Central Office Supervisor
    4. University Professor, Parent, or Community representative
  • If you enter your raters at different times, be sure your TNumber is accurate.
  • Always begin with Rater 1 even if you have submitted some names previously.
  • Type each name CORRECTLY with the first letter capitalized (i.e. John Smith, NOT john smith). The request sent to the individual who will rate you is generated from exactly what you type.
  • Please BE ACCURATE in entering the rater's EMAIL address! You will NOT get rated if this is incorrect, since your rater will not be successfully notified.
  • When a rating has been completed, you will be notified via email that it has been submitted.
  • You may view the rating scale.

First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Phone # (000-000-0000)
TNumber (T00099999)

Rater Name
Rater Email
Rater Relation

Rater Name
Rater Email
Rater Relation

Rater Name
Rater Email
Rater Relation

Rater Name
Rater Email
Rater Relation